Israel hit by 4 Palestinian terror attacks, one Israeli murdered

Israel’s citizens were attacked in four separate instances by Palestinian terrorists on Monday. One Israeli was murdered and several others were wounded.  

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Palestinian terrorists carried out four terror attacks in different locations across Israel on Monday.

The string of terror attacks began in Jerusalem, where two teen Palestinian girls stabbed an elderly Palestinian man. Both terrorists were shot by Israeli police. Another Israeli was lightly wounded in the incident.

Later on in the day, an 18-year-old Israeli was lightly wounded in an apparent vehicular attack in Samaria. The young man was hit by a Palestinian car and lightly wounded in his legs. The Palestinian vehicle fled the scene.

The victim was taken to Beilinson hospital in Petah Tikvah.

IDF forces set up roadblocks in the area in an attempt to catch the terrorist.

In yet another attack, Israeli security forces were successful in thwarting a stabbing attack in Samaria.

A Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab Israelis standing at the Hatmar Junction, a central junction in the area. The terrorist, spotted by soldiers securing the area, was shot dead.

443 terror attack

Security forces at the gas station on Route 443. (Hillel Maeir/TPS)

A similar attack occurred at the same spot on Sunday.

The latest and lethal attack occurred at a gas station on Route 443, a major connecting highway between Jerusalem and the Tel Aviv area, and the site of several previous terror attacks.

A Palestinian terrorist stabbed two young Israelis, murdering one, 18, and moderately wounding a 22-year-old female.

The wounded victim was evacuated to a hospital in the capital with injuries to her legs.

The Palestinian terrorist was shot dead.

These incidents were the latest in a long series of Palestinian terror attacks which have plagued Israelis over the course of the past two months, claiming the lives of 21 victims and wounding 183.

Deputy Minister of Defense Eli Dahan called for more stringent and deterring actions against the wave of Palestinian terror attacks.

“Attack follows attack, and there is no quiet in the land. We must deter the next terrorist from leaving his home and harming citizens and security personnel. I say again that only the destruction of terrorists’ homes immediately after they carry out their attack and the expelling of their family members [to Gaza] will deter terrorists from carrying out the next terror attack.”

Read  3 Israeli soldiers wounded in drive-by terrorist shooting attack
