Israel welcomes German leader as ally against anti-Semitism

Germany launched a new initiative with the United States last week to stem an alarming rise in anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial around the world.

By Associated Press

Israel’s president warmly welcomed his German counterpart on Thursday, praising him as an ally in combatting anti-Semitism.

Reuven Rivlin said that Germany has been Israel’s “strong partner in the uncompromising fight against anti-Semitism” and has stood with Israel against “the forces of terror who seek to wipe us off the map.”

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier also met with Israel’s new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in Jerusalem. The prime minister’s office said in a statement that the two discussed Iran’s nuclear program, and that Bennett restated Israel’s determination to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

During a solemn visit to Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, Steinmeier said the “unspeakable suffering” caused in Germany’s name “fills us with pain and shame.”

“We will keep the memory of this alive for the sake of those who were murdered and for the sake of future generations,” he said.

Germany launched a new initiative with the United States last week to stem an alarming rise in anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial around the world.

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The U.S.-Germany Holocaust Dialogue seeks to reverse the trend, which gained traction during the coronavirus pandemic amid a surge in political populism across Europe and the U.S. The dialogue creates a way to develop educational and messaging tools to teach youth and others about the crimes of the Nazis and their collaborators.
