‘Israel will be forced to evacuate Tel Aviv in next war,’ Hamas threatens

Notwithstanding ongoing Egyptian-brokered ceasefire talks with Israel, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar claimed his terror group was capable of forcing Israelis to flee Tel Aviv.

By World Israel News Staff

The Hamas terror group’s Gaza-based leader Yahya Sinwar claimed Saturday his forces would  inflict serious losses on Israel if Egypt’s current efforts to broker a ceasefire with the Jewish state fail and war breaks out.

“If the Gaza Strip is dragged into war, Israel will suffer. It will not only have to evacuate the communities around the Strip, but also Ashdod and Ashkelon and even Tel Aviv,” Sinwar commented to Gaza officials, reported Times of Israel.

Sinwar’s comments arrive as Egypt continues to try to coax the terror group into a truce with Israel.

While Sinwar just a day earlier claimed talks were progressing, he commented to Al-Aqsa TV on Saturday, “Our fingers are on the trigger and they will remain pressed against it in order to protect our people. We will be the sword and shield.”

For the past year, Hamas has orchestrated massive violent riots on Israel’s border with Gaza on a weekly basis, during which Gazans shoot at IDF troops, hurl Molotov cocktails, plant IEDs, attempt infiltration, and launch airborne incendiary devices into Israeli territory.

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The “March of Return” riots have been accompanied by Hamas’ conventional tactic of rocket attacks on Israeli civilians, which have injured children and killed one Israeli during the past year.
