Israeli ambassador warns of last-minute UN initiative

Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon is concerned another anti-Israel UN resolution may be introduced this week, as the current president of the UN Security Council hints at a new initiative.

Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon warned on Friday that the UN Security Council might take one more bit of action against Israel before US President-elect Donald Trump assumes the presidency this Friday.

“We are witnessing an attempt to promote a last-minute initiative before the new US administration takes office,” Danon said. “Supporters of the Palestinians are looking for further anti-Israel measures at the Security Council.”

Danon’s remarks were made on the eve of an international summit in Paris this Sunday in which 70 countries will attempt to reach an agreed set of guidelines on a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

Sweden’s UN Ambassador Olof Skoog, who currently holds the rotating title of president of the UN Security Council for the first month of his country’s two-year term as a UN Security Council member, said that no such initiatives exist at the moment. However, he implied that the summit in Paris this Sunday can have an impact on the likelihood of a measure being presented at the Security Council this week.

“The main event now is Sunday’s conference in Paris,” said Skoog. “Let’s see where we are next Tuesday.”

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News

