Israeli Defense Minister to Hezbollah head: ‘Stay in your bunker’

Israel’s defense minister appears unmoved by the Hezbollah leader’s threats to the Jewish state, explaining that “a dog that barks doesn’t bite.”

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman advised Hassan Nasrallah, secretary-general of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, to remain ”in his bunker.”

“I advise him to continue sitting there in his bunker, making these small cameos,” Liberman told Israel Army Radio. “I don’t intend to have any kind of public argument with him.”

Liberman made his remarks following Nasrallah’s statement, in an interview with Iran’s Channel 1, that there will be “no red lines in the next war with Israel.”

Nasrallah also somewhat doubled down on his threat last week to turn Israel’s Dimona nuclear facility “into a threat to Israel.” 

“We will not abide by red lines, especially regarding Haifa’s ammonia and the nuclear reactor in Dimona,” said Nasrallah. “Hezbollah possesses the full courage for this.”

Liberman however, did not appear concerned at all by Nasrallah’s rhetoric. “A dog that barks doesn’t bite,” he said.

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News
