Security forces expose Hamas terror-funding enterprise

Israeli security forces uncovered a Hamas enterprise that rewards terrorists and encourages further violence against innocent civilians. 

Israeli Police and the Shin Bet (Israel’s Security Agency) recently exposed a system used by the Hamas terror group to transfer funds to families of terrorists as a means of encouraging further acts of violence against Israelis.

Operating on intelligence and on the authorization of Minister of Defense Avigdor Liberman, the forces seized large sums of money meant to support terrorism in the Jerusalem area, totaling some NIS 130,000 (appr. $36,000). Furthermore, the police confiscated a car and NIS 100,000 in cash from individuals who had already received the sums.

The operation included the seizure of funds from the families of Hassan Mahani, who committed a stabbing attack in October 2015 in which two Israelis were severely wounded, and Tarek Abu-Arfa, a member of the Hamas cell that kidnapped and murdered IDF soldier Nachshon Waxman in 1994.

According to police, the operation was a continuation of similar action taken in February during which authorities searched the homes of individuals linked to terrorism and confiscated NIS 200,000 in cash, as well as checks, two vehicles, a truck and jewelry.

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Police stated that they will not allow any terror organization to provide financial or any other kind of assistance to families of individuals who commit terror attacks.

Monday’s operation was another stage in Israel’s war against terror, including anyone supports or encourages them, the police added.

Hamas provides funds to families of Palestinian terrorists as support in exchange for acts of terror. Anyone who accepts funds from a terror organization or who supports terrorism in any way will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, the police emphasized.

By: World Israel News Staff
