Israeli girl, 14, injured by stone throwers in Judea and Samaria

An image of the girl released by the rescue group appears to show her sitting up and in stable condition.

By World Israel News Staff

Arab terrorists threw stones and a bottle of paint at vehicles in Gush Etzion on Tuesday, wounding a 14-year-old Israeli girl who needed to be evacuated to the hospital.

Rescuers Without Borders reported that the girl was taken to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. The vehicle was badly damaged as a result of the attack.

An image of the girl released by the rescue group appears to show her sitting up and in stable condition.

The attack took place near the Israeli settlement of Tekoa, about 10 miles south of Jerusalem. It’s population is about 4,100.

Following the attack, IDF and Border Police spread out over the area to capture the terrorists who threw the stones and paint bottle that injured the girl, website 0404 reports.

A number of suspects were captured and will be transferred for further investigation by the security forces.

Israel sees violence from Palestinians on a near-daily basis in Judea and Samaria, which usually takes the form of the stoning of passing cars. However, knife attacks and car rammings are not uncommon.

On Dec. 20, in a particularly horrific attack, an Arab terrorist bludgeoned a Jewish woman to death with a rock near the the settlement of Tal Manashe, located at the northwestern edge of Judea and Samaria. The woman, Esther Horgan, 52, leaves behind a husband and six children.

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The terrorist was caught and admitted to the crime.
