Israel calls for probe of UNRWA’s ties to Hamas terror

Israel’s UN Ambassador calls for donor countries of UNRWA to investigate the organization’s potential ties with Hamas after it was discovered two of its employees were recently elected into Hamas’ political bureau. 

Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon is calling upon donor countries to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to investigate its alleged ties with the Hamas terrorist organization that controls the Gaza Strip.

Danon made his request after several reports emerged of UNRWA employees’ election to the Hamas political leadership.

“In light of these disturbing revelations, it is crucial to conduct a thorough investigation of the organization’s operations in order to ensure that no employee who is involved in terror play any role in UNRWA or the UN,” wrote Danon in a letter to ambassadors from a number of countries that financially support UNRWA.

“It is time to put an end to the absurd reality in which UNRWA staff, who are expected to provide humanitarian assistance, are instead acting on behalf of terror organizations.”

The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) reported on Sunday that Muhammad al-Jamassi, a senior engineer for UNRWA, was one of 15 individuals elected to Hamas’ political bureau.

Another UNRWA employee, Suhail al-Hindi, who chaired UNRWA’s employee union in Gaza, was eventually suspended by UNRWA after discovery of his election into the Hamas political bureau. Originally, UNRWA dismissed Israel’s notification of al-Hindi’s ties to Hamas.

“Hamas exploits its extensive support among UNRWA employees to strengthen its control of the Gazan population and promote its military wing,” said ITIC. “The election of Suhail al-Hindi and Muhammad al-Jamassi to the new Hamas political bureau indicates their seniority in Hamas and the importance Hamas gives to activists who hold senior positions in UNRWA.”

“In ITIC’s assessment, since Muhammad al-Jamassi is responsible for renovation and construction in refugee camps, Hamas may use his access to contributions and materials to promote its own interests as it uses Dr. Suhail al-Hindi and other teachers and principals, who are Hamas activists, to indoctrinate school children with its radical Islamist ideology and to maintain a paramilitary presence in the schools,” the organization added.

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News

