Jewish man killed in Samaria was victim of Palestinian terror

Authorities concluded that Reuven Shmerling, found dead last week in an industrial zone in Samaria, was a victim of Palestinian terror.

On Thursday, during the Festival of Sukkot, the Israel Security Agency (ISA), aka Shin Bet, in cooperation with the Israel Police and the IDF, arrested two Palestinians, residents of Kabatiya, on suspicion of murdering Reuven Shmerling from the community of Elkana in Samaria.

Evidence gathered thus far indicates that this was a terrorist attack carried out for a nationalist motive, the ISA announced Sunday in a press statement.

The investigation of the suspects is ongoing, the ISA added. Their identities, along with other details, are under a gag order.

Shmerling, who was just about to turn 70, was found dead Wednesday afternoon in an industrial zone in the Palestinian village of Kfar Kassem, where he employed workers.

By: World Israel News Staff
