Knesset members slam inflammatory comments of Arab lawmaker praising Intifada

Odeh has a history of anti-Israel rhetoric and actions.

By David Isaac, World Israel News

Some Knesset members reacted angrily to inflammatory rhetoric by Ayman Odeh, head of the Arab Joint List party, which he posted to his Facebook page on Sunday.

Sounding nothing like an Israeli Knesset member and everything like a Palestinian representative, Odeh encouraged the Arab rioters in Jerusalem and referred to Israel’s control of Jerusalem as an “occupation.”

He said “the intifada will bring an end to the occupation and the flag of Palestine will fly above Al Aqsa Mosque.”

Itamar Ben-Gvir of the Religious Zionism party said in response that Odeh is a “ticking timebomb in the Knesset.”

“If there is a system of law enforcement in Israel, the Attorney General needs to announce this evening the opening of an investigation against Odeh and the handing down of an indictment against him for incitement and rebellion,” Ben-Gvir said.

Betzalmo, an Israeli NGO that focuses on human rights, also asked the attorney general to open an investigation against Odeh on the basis of incitement.

Shlomo Karhi of the Likud party similarly attacked Odeh, saying he only appears conciliatory in Hebrew. “His place is in jail,” Karhi said.

Odeh has a history of anti-Israel rhetoric and actions.

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As head of the Joint List, Odeh led his party against the Abraham Accords, which saw peace treaties between Israel and Muslim states for the first time in 26 years. The Knesset vote for the accords was 80-13. All 13 nays were from the Joint List.

In July 2020, Odeh attended a press conference in which Fatah and Hamas pledged to fight Israel together.

In June 2016, he praised the leader of a terror group upon her release, calling her “a brave freedom fighter.”
