Limo burned by anti-Trump rioters belonged to Muslim immigrant

Anarchists missed their target when they harmed a Muslim immigrant during anti-Trump riots. 

Last Friday, anti-Trump demonstrators rioted in Washington, DC, as the inauguration ceremony for the newly elected US president took place.

The rioters smashed store fronts, destroyed property, and among other things, smashed and set a limousine on fire.

The Washington Examiner revealed on Tuesday that the limo belonged to a Muslim immigrant.

The car owner, Muhammad Ashraf, says the damage could cost his company $70,000 because his insurance does not cover riots.

Ashraf’s employee, Luis Villarroel, 58, was dropping a client off at their destination when things turned ugly.

Protesters smashed doors and windows in the vicinity, but then turned their attention to Villarroel and the limo. People began pounding on the car and started throwing stones and bricks in his direction.

The driver ended up in hospital with cuts on his hands and arms from shattered glass.

By: World Israel News Staff
