Madonna latest celebrity to promote Farrakhan speech, gets 700,000 views

Her promotion of Farrakhan is especially surprising, considering that other celebrities have been widely condemned for doing so and most have since apologized.

By Adina Katz, World Israel News

Madonna posted a trailer for a speech by notorious anti-Semitic preacher Louis Farrakhan to her Instagram account on July 4, which has since racked up over 710,000 views, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reported.

Madonna’s promotion of the Nation of Islam leader’s hate-filled speech was somewhat surprising, considering that she studies Kabbalah – Jewish mysticism – and has performed in Israel on several occasions.  In May 2019, she participated in the international Eurovision music competition that was held in Tel Aviv, rejecting attempts by BDS activists to dissuade her from attending.

However, the celebrity, who has more than 15 million Instagram followers, also provoked controversy at the Eurovision contest. Two of her dancers appeared at the end of her performance with the Israeli and Palestinian flags displayed on their costumes. These ‘additions’ were not presented during her dress rehearsal for the show. Political statements and gestures are forbidden at the contest, which made the display all the more offensive.

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Several of Madonna’s followers expressed surprise at her post, JTA reports, not only because of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism, but also because of his statements against the LGBTQ community, which Madonna supports.

Another bewildering aspect to her post is that others who promoted Farrakhan’s address – including, for example, NFL player DeSean Jackson, TV celebrity Nick Cannon, and rapper Ice Cube – have been widely condemned for doing so.

Other than Ice Cube, whose anti-Semitic rants continue, all have since apologized.
