Masked Palestinians use ambulance for ride to violent riot

Palestinian terrorists were again caught red-handed using an ambulance as cover for an act of violence. 

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Masked Palestinian rioters in the Ramallah area were caught using an ambulance as a means of transportation on their way to a violent incident.

The IDF spokesman on Monday published a clip of a Red Crescent ambulance transporting Palestinian rioters to join a protest against IDF soldiers.

“This is an unacceptable and dangerous violation of the trust placed in medical organizations,” the IDF stated.

The use of ambulances as cover for Palestinian terrorism has been repeatedly documented. Most recently, on Saturday, the IDF published a photo of Palestinians riding in an ambulance while throwing rocks at IDF forces.

“The rioters knew that security forces in the field would not employ riot dispersal tactics against an ambulance, and they used it to harm the forces while shielding themselves,” the IDF charged.

On the morning of July 22, 2014, IDF forces engaged terrorists in the Gaza Strip, killing 10 of them. Other terrorists used an ambulance as a means to escape. In order to avoid the possibility of civilian casualties, the IDF did not target the ambulance.

Explosive found under stretcher carrying sick boy

On March 27, 2002, IDF forces arrested Islam Jibril, a Tanzim operative at a checkpoint near Ramallah. Jibril worked as an ambulance driver in the Palestinian Red Crescent. He was arrested while driving a Red Crescent ambulance containing an explosives belt and explosive devices.

During his investigation, Jibril confessed that the bombs were handed to him in Nablus by Mahmud Titi, a senior Tanzim operative in the Samaria area who was killed by security forces. The explosives belt was hidden underneath a stretcher carrying a sick Palestinian boy along with his family members.

Another investigation revealed that same month that several Palestinian terrorists in Ramallah were using ambulances in order to move from one spot to another. They were wearing medical uniforms and some used city hospitals as a hiding place.

In October 2001, Israeli security forces arrested Nidal Nazal, a resident of Qalkilya, Hamas operative and brother of Nasser Nazal, a senior Hamas terrorist in the city. Nidal worked as an ambulance driver for the Palestinian Red Crescent. Under investigation, he confessed to the transfer of weaponry for terrorists, using the freedom of passage granted to him as an ambulance driver. Nidal also used this privilege in order to act as a messenger for Hamas headquarters in Palestinian Authority-administered cities.

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Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, has been accused several times by the Red Crescent organization of endangering the lives of its staff and patients during the 2014 summer war by using them as human shields.
