‘Anti-Semitism the last form of passable bigotry in America’, says Meghan McCain

TV personalty and daughter of late Arizona senator says “anti-Semitic things are forgiven just a lot easier than anything else.”

By World Israel News Staff

Anti-Semitism is the last form of racism still accepted in the United States, television personality Meghan McCain said Wednesday, adding that cancel culture appears to be tolerant of hatred against Jews.

McCain, the daughter of late Arizona Senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, is a commentator on Fox News and cohost of the ABC talk show The View, where host Whoopi Goldberg was discussing the case of rapper and comedian Nick Cannon’s anti-Semitic remarks.

ViacomCBS fired Cannon last year after he promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories during an episode of his “Cannon’s Class” podcast.

“His statements were really egregious when they first came out,” McCain said of Cannon. “He has apologized and now he is talking about the Hebrew concept of t’shuva [repentance],” she said. “He is clearly doing real work with Jewish leaders and trying to atone.”

“My concern is for some reason anti-Semitism is something we let people forgive a lot easier than any other forms of bigotry and racism,” McCain said.

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“We are having conversations about canceling Dr. Seuss. We are not having conversations about canceling The Merchant of Venice or Oliver Twist, both works of literature that have deeply anti-Semitic characters in them,” McCain noted, citing the famous play by William Shakespeare and the novel by Charles Dickens.

“I find that people who say anti-Semitic things are forgiven just a lot easier than anything else, and I think that is something we really need to examine as a society,” McCain said.

“I think that anti-Semitism is still sort of the last form of passable bigotry in America,” she continued, noting the huge rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes in America last year.

“This is a big and serious problem and I hope that Nick Cannon continues the good work, but this isn’t just about Nick Cannon,” McCain said.

“It’s why we as Americans seem to find more forgiveness in our hearts for anti-Semitism than we do for racism of any other kind,” McCain concluded.
