Bennett reveals Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ map – ‘it’s hell’

Naftali Bennett tweeted a map revealing the the U.S. administration’s proposed Mideast peace plan. He says it means “the end of settlement.”

By World Israel News Staff

Yemina party member Naftali Bennett tweeted a map on Sunday that he says represents the Trump administration’s coming Arab-Israeli peace plan, or “deal of the century.” He says it’s “hell.”

The map shows a large black area over most of Judea and Samaria, with small white dots symbolizing Jewish communities connected by thin white lines that symbolize roads.

“This is the ‘deal of the century’ that will be drop on us immediately after the elections,” Bennett wrote.

“In black – Palestine.”

“In white – lone Israeli ‘islands’ within an ocean of Palestine. Surrounded 360 degrees by Hamas, Tanzim, PLO.”

“Hell for every resident of Ariel, Ofra and Kiryat Arba. The end of settlement.”

Bennett made a pitch for right-wing voters to vote for his party and not Likud in a separate tweet. He wrote:

“Don’t say later that you didn’t know.
This is the map. That’s the plan.
It will come from a friendly president.

Without the counterweight of the right – [Yemina], Netanyahu will not be able to withstand Trump’s pressure.

To many thousands of Likud supporters, heads of [Judea and Samaria] councils:
Wake up!”

Bennett’s tweet contradicts the rosier picture painted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he announced his intention to annex the Jordan Valley and northern Dead Sea area in a Sept. 10 press conference.

He also said he would extend sovereignty over “all settlements.”

While the map does show the Jordan Valley in Israel’s hands, as well as the settlements, the latter would find themselves in a dangerous security situation as Bennett points out.

Journalist Barak Ravid tweeted that Israel might actually receive less than what the map depicts.

“This map is ‘optimistic’ from the point of view of the Right. I am not at all sure that the Trump plan adopts the extent of annexation of the Valley as presented on the Netanyahu map (about 17 percent of the West Bank only annexation in the Valley). In my opinion, the Trump plan will include annexation of 10-15 percent of the West Bank.”
