Netanyahu approves new IDF chief of staff

Netanyahu approved Aviv Kochavi’s appointment as IDF chief of staff on Sunday. 

By World Israel News Staff

The Israeli government approved the appointment of Aviv Kochavi as the Israeli Defense Forces’ new chief of staff, on Sunday.

Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that at the request of outgoing Chief-of-Staff Gadi Eisenkot, Kochavi will come in for a few weeks of on-the-job training.

Eisenkot’s retirement will be pushed off until January 15.

Netanyahu said that Kochavi was “an outstanding officer out of four outstanding officers” considered for the IDF’s top post.

“He’s a well-esteemed and highly accomplished officer,” Netanyahu said. “I’m sure he’ll raise the IDF to new heights and will oversee the IDF in a way that will provide an answer to the challenges that lie before us as did his predecessor.

“Thanks to Gad Eisenkot on his dedicated and important service in a time that wasn’t easy,” Netanyahu said.
