Netanyahu defends ceasefire, cites secret information

Amid protests and government upheaval due to the ceasefire with Hamas, Netanyahu defended the move, saying there were secret considerations.

By Adina Katz, World Israel News

Ahead of Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s resignation due to his opposition to the ceasefire deal with Hamas, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended the truce agreement, saying there were reasons unknown to the public.

“In times of emergency, when making decisions crucial to security, the public can’t always be privy to the considerations that must be hidden from the enemy,” Netanyahu said at a state memorial service for David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister, in Sde Boker.

“At these moments, it is not up to leadership to do the easy thing but to do the right thing, even if it is difficult. Leadership is sometimes to be criticized, when you know secret and sensitive things that you cannot share with the citizens of Israel, and in this case the residents of the south, whom I love so much and appreciate,” he added.

“Our enemies begged for a ceasefire, and they knew very well why,” the prime minister stated.

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The Egyptian-brokered ceasefire was reached Tuesday evening after Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza launched close to 500 rockets into Israel within 24 hours, resulting in one death and dozens of injuries.

Several ministers, including Liberman, and members of the Opposition slammed the deal.

Hundreds of protesters gathered at the entrance to Sderot following the ceasefire announcement, blocking roads and burning tires. “Bibi go home,” one sign read.

Liberman is also calling for early elections.
