Netanyahu discusses Iranian threat with UK leader

Netanyahu addressed the need to tackle new and emerging threats from Iran with the British Prime Minister Theresa May. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu focused on the Iranian nuclear threat during his meeting on Monday in London with his British counterpart, Theresa May.

“Iran seeks to annihilate Israel,” Netanyahu declared. “It says so openly. It seeks to conquer the Middle East. It threatens Europe; it threatens the West; it threatens the world, and it offers provocation after provocation.”

Recent provocations include Iran’s launching of a test on a ballistic missile as well as a reported test on a cruise missile capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

Before taking off to the UK, Netanyahu stressed the need for a trilateral effort on the part of the US, the UK and Israel to rein in Iranian aggression.

“We face challenges, very clear, from militant Islam and especially from Iran,” Netanyahu told May. “I’d like to talk to you on how we can ensure that Iran’s aggression does not go unanswered. That’s why I welcome President Trump’s insistence on new sanctions against Iran.”

“I think other nations should follow soon, certainly responsible nations,” he added, following up on remarks on Sunday in which he called for a “common front against Iran’s defiant aggression.”

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By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News
