Netanyahu hails ‘great success’ in curbing Iran, says cooperation with Russia will continue

Israel will continue to curb Iran’s aggression in the region as well as maintaining its security coordination with Russia, Netanyahu stated before boarding a plane to New York.

By: Adina Katz, World Israel News

Before boarding a plane to New York at Ben-Gurion International Airport Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hailed Israel’s “great success” over the last three years in the face of Iran’s aggression in the region and vowed to continue doing whatever it takes to protect Israel’s security.

Netanyahu, who will meet with US President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly on Thursday, said he told Russian President Vladimir Putin that Israel was “deeply distressed over the loss of life” due to the unintentional downing of a Russian plane last week, which claimed 15 lives. Russia had blamed Israel for the incident.

Israeli officials traveled to Moscow on Thursday to present its report on the accident, showing that Syria was firing dozens of barrages indiscriminately for 40 minutes following Israel’s attack against a weapons depot connected to Iran, long after the Israeli planes had returned home. According to the report, one of the Syrian missiles hit the plane, causing it to crash.

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Moscow announced on Tuesday that it will provide Syria with the S-300 advanced missile system, which should be delivered in about two weeks.

“We give full backing to the IDF in its actions to defend the state. We will continue to take action to prevent the establishment of an Iranian military presence in Syria and we will continue the security coordination between the IDF and the Russian military,” Netanyahu stated, adding that he and Putin agreed that representatives from both armies will meet in the near future to discuss further coordination.

Netanyahu is scheduled to address the UNGA on Thursday.
