Netanyahu supports Trump’s attack on Syria for ‘moral reasons’

Netanyahu explained his support for Trump’s strikes against Syria as appropriate for “moral reasons” after a chemical weapons attack in the country’s Idlib province on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his support on Sunday for US President Donald Trump’s strikes on Syria in response to a chemical weapons attack on Tuesday in the country’s Idlib province.

“Israel fully supports the American attack on Syria,” said Netanyahu during his weekly Cabinet meeting. “They did this for moral reasons in light of the harsh scenes from Idlib and also to make it clear there is a price for using chemical weapons.”

Netanyahu referenced an arrangement on the part of the international community to remove Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons after a chemical weapons attack took place in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta in August of 2013.

“There is an international commitment from 2013 to remove all chemical weapons from Syria,” noted Netanyahu. “As we have seen, this commitment has yet to be fully implemented,” Netanyahu continued. “We call on the international community to complete the work, and this is an opportunity for American-Russian cooperation in this specific area.”

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After the chemical weapons attack in 2013, Russia offered to remove Syria’s chemical weapons to prevent a planned US strike against Syria.

Netanyahu also expressed his “shock” and “outrage” shortly after the attack, while speaking at a state memorial ceremony on Tuesday for late President Chaim Herzog at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

“There’s no, none, no excuse whatsoever for the deliberate attacks on civilians and on children, especially with cruel and outlawed chemical weapons,” said Netanyahu. “I call on the international community to fulfill its obligation from 2013 to fully and finally remove these horrible weapons from Syria.”

By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News
