Netanyahu takes off for crucial meeting with Trump

Netanyahu and Trump will meet this week to discuss crucial issues, chiefly the Iranian threat. 

By: World Israel News Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara took off to Washington on Saturday night, where the Israeli premier will meet with President Donald Trump and address the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference.

“In the conversation with the President I will thank him on behalf of the Israeli people for moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, in honor of the State of Israel’s 70th Independence Day,” Netanyahu stated before boarding his flight.

The Trump administration announced last month that it will open its embassy in Jerusalem in May, coinciding with Israel’s 70th anniversary.

“First and foremost, I with discuss Iran with the President ahead of the decision on the nuclear program. We will discuss Iranian aggression in our region in general and regarding the Iranian nuclear program in particular,” Netanyahu said.

Despite the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, Israel still views Iran as an existential threat, and Netanyahu has repeatedly called on Trump to “fix or nix ” the agreement.

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One of the main issues that critics of the deal wish to address is the removal of several clauses that allow Iran to gradually resume weapons-grade nuclear development starting in 2024.

Iran’s development of long-range missiles that can carry nuclear warheads is also a point of concern.

Trump has said he will not renew US waivers for sanctions on Iran when they next expire on May 12 unless European countries agree to a new or ramified deal that would sanction Iran if it resumes advanced nuclear tests. The president is also seeking tougher inspections and penalties for Iranian missile testing.

The Trump administration is reportedly at the final stages of formulating a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians. However, the Palestinians have repeatedly rejected the US as a mediator and are looking to Europe and other countries to serve as moderators who would be more sympathetic to their positions.

“I will also discuss with the President about advancing the peace process,” Netanyahu said. “Advancing these issues is important for Israel and for the security of the entire world.”
