Netanyahu: We’ll apprehend the abhorrent terrorist

Netanyahu said Israel would find those responsible for the death of Dvir Sorek.

By World Israel News Staff

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who also serves as Defense Minister, said on Thursday, “This morning we were informed about a harsh stabbing attack. The security forces are currently in pursuit to apprehend the abhorrent terrorist and bring him to justice.”

Dvir Sorek, a 19-year-old soldier, was found dead from multiple stab wounds near the yeshiva where he studied in Gush Etzion in the early morning hours of Thursday.

Other politicians expressed their sorrow and anger at the attack.

President Reuben Rivlin said, “Our prayers go out to the family of the soldier, who was murdered by a vile person,” adding that “We will strengthen the hands of the security forces who are after the killers and will not cease looking until they are captured. Faced with this terrible terror, we will work uncompromisingly for the sake of our citizens everywhere.”

Likud MK and Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein said, “The pain is enormous, and I’m sure the security forces will put their hand on the heinous killer. Our answer must be decisive: the application of Israeli sovereignty in all localities – and Gush Etzion first.”

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Naftali Bennett of the United Right alliance tweeted, “An unbearable morning. A wonderful guy, early in his life, was murdered by our miserable enemies. Again. The words ‘We’ll come to accounts with the killer’ are ever more hollow. It’s just not true. The killer will spend time in jail on good terms. His home will not really be destroyed. His monthly murder allowance will continue. And he’s a Palestinian hero.”

Bennett referred to the fact that according to Palestinian Authority law, killers of Jews automatically become “employees” of the Authority and are entitled to monthly salaries.

Likud MK Sharren Haskel tweeted, “We woke up to a painful and sad morning. A soldier of ours, a yeshiva boy who went out to buy presents for his group, was murdered in a vicious and abominable stabbing attack in Gush Etzion. Hopefully the security forces will catch the lowly terrorist soon. I share in the family’s grief, my heart with you.”

Ehud Barak, whose Israel Democratic Party has merged with Meretz ahead of the elections, tweeted, “Shocking attack in Gush Etzion. Heart with the Sorek family. The security forces will catch the perpetrators of the attack and those who sent them. In this test of determination, too – we will win.”

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Israel defense forces believe that Sorek was killed in a location different from where he was found and that it was an attempted kidnapping attempt.

Sorek’s rabbi said he had gone to Jerusalem to buy gifts for his teachers as was his custom. He was found still clutching the books he had bought as presents, Rabbi Shlomo Vilk, the head of Sorek’s yeshiva, told Army Radio on Thursday.
