Yemina projected to cross electoral threshold, enter Knesset

Party leader Ayelet Shaked tried to bolster votes for Yemina by maintaining that fellow right-wing party Likud had sufficient support to defeat its Blue and White rivals.

By World Israel News Staff

On Monday evening in the final hours before polls closed in Israel, Yemina (New Right) party head Ayelet Shaked issued a plea for votes during a live chat on Facebook.

In an appeal to undecided voters, Shaked claimed Likud is “good,” meaning she thought it would be able to form a new government without additional votes.

“We’re not big enough. We ask anyone who considers himself a right-wing voter, [to] go vote for Yemina,” Shaked said, Arutz Sheva reported.

According to Kan, Israel’s public broadcasting corporation, Yemina is poised to garner seven seats in the Knesset, passing the electoral threshold, a feat it failed to accomplish in the April 2019 elections.

After the Likud’s Benjamin Netanyahu and Blue and White’s Benny Gantz each failed to cobble together coalitions following April elections, the nation faced a second election in a year in September 2019.

Yemina came back to life and earned enough votes in September to pass the electoral threshold with seven seats, however, neither Netanyahu nor Gantz were successful in forming a coalition then either, necessitating a third round of elections in March 2020.

The Kan poll projected Likud capturing 36 Knesset seats and its Blue and White rivals collecting only 33 votes.
