PA preparing to label Israeli NGOs as terrorist entities

Ramallah’s move to ban “settler organizations” is retaliation for Israel outlawing six PFLP-linked Palestinian NGOs.

By Baruch Yedid, TPS

The Palestinian Authority’s (PA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced Saturday that it is preparing lists of “settler organizations” operating in Judea and Samaria with a goal of prosecuting them.

The ministry stated that the list will include the details and actions of “Jewish elements attacking Palestinian citizens” and a team of legal experts will work to formulate a legal battle to prosecute them.

“Attacks expanded under the Bennett and Lapid government during the olive harvest season,” the ministry claimed, adding that “Bennett’s government provides political, legal, logistical and financial support to the settlers and their terrorist organizations.”

This move comes in response to the Israeli Ministry of Defense’s declaration of six civilian institutions linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) as terrorist organizations. With the Israeli declaration, the PA established a committee whose role is to lead the fight against the Israeli decision, both at the legal and international level.

The PA’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is compiling a list of Jewish organizations and senior IDF officers and will document “their actions against the Palestinian people” and declare them “terrorist organizations.”

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This step is intended to begin a legal battle for what the Palestinians call “Jewish terrorism” and to serve as a tool in the international and legal struggle, and the list will support the Palestinian Authority’s appeal to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

PA sources indicate that after the list is formulated, PA head Mahmoud Abbas will issue an order declaring these organizations “terrorist organizations” and those appearing in it as “wanted by the Palestinian Authority,” stipulating that any action on their behalf will be considered “hostile” and will even serve as a ground for arrest.

Pictures of these “heads of organizations” and officers will be circulated in the media and on the PA streets.

A source said that the Honenu organization that provides legal support to Israelis is expected to appear on the list.
