WATCH: Palestinian attacks Jewish worshiper in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur

Israeli police killed a Palestinian attacker in Jerusalem after he tried to mount a stabbing attack on the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people.

By: World Israel News Staff

A Palestinian assaulted a Jewish worshiper in Jerusalem as the Yom Kippur holiday commenced, but his would-be stabbing attack was thwarted by Israeli police who shot and killed the assailant.

Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the Jewish year, and attracts droves of worshipers to Jerusalem.

According to a police statement, the Palestinian attacker charged a Jewish worshiper close to Jerusalem’s Old City on Tuesday evening, forcing him to the ground. Immediately afterwards, the assailant took off running with a sharp object in his hand, prompting officers to open fire. The attacker subsequently died.

Palestinians routinely launch stabbing attacks, killing Israelis and visiting tourists from the UK and the US, including visiting American student Taylor Force, who was stabbed to death in Tel Aviv in 2016.

In two years, Palestinians have killed more than 50 Israelis, Americans and British citizens.

On Sunday, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed to death Ari Fuld, an Israeli activist and US citizen who managed to fire shots and prevent further casualties before he succumbed to fatal stab wounds.

Palestinian leaders frequently call for “popular resistance” in the media and online, a term that many identify as a euphemism for violence against Israeli civilians.

Palestinian law requires murderers such as the ones who killed Fuld and Force, and their families, to receive generous monthly terror stipends.
