Palestinian envoy accuses Israel of war crimes, demands release of violent teenage girl

The Palestinian envoy to the UN accuses Israel of war crimes against Palestinian children and demands the release of a teenage girl caught on camera assaulting IDF soldiers.

By Margot Dudkevitch

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian representative at the United Nations, is accusing Israel of committing war crimes against Palestinian children. Mansour also demanded the immediate release of Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi, who was caught on videotape with her cousin pushing and kicking IDF soldiers in an effort to provoke them. The soldiers ignored them.

Ever since the broadcasting of the incident, Palestinians have posted images portraying the Palestinian teenager as a warrior princess and a symbol of Palestinian resistance.

In his letter to the UN Security Council, Mansour claims that generations of Palestinians are forced to live under an “occupying power”  that “continues to commit human rights violations against Palestinian children.”

Mansour admits that the recent incident is not the Palestinian teenager’s first attack against IDF soldiers.

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon slammed Mansour, saying that instead of continuing to spread lies and anti-Israeli propaganda, the Palestinian leadership should focus on putting an end to the terrorism and incitement that resulted this week in the violent attack in which Rabbi Raziel Shevach, a 35-year-old father of six, was murdered.

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Shortly after Tamimi was detained with her mother, UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters that the detention of children is of great concern to the UN and that the world body has made its concerns known.

The Ofer Military Court is scheduled to decide on Monday whether 17-year old Tamimi, whose family members are known provocateurs, should be prosecuted and if she should remain in custody until the end of her trial.
