Palestinian mother and daughter nabbed for terrorism

A Palestinian mother and daughter were arrested for involvement in terrorism.

By: World Israel News Staff

Israeli security forces recently arrested two Palestinian women involved in terrorism, a mother and daughter, on charges of planning a terror attack, storing weapons, and incitement to terrorism.

The 16-year-old daughter called and notified Israeli police that she intended to carry out a terror attack. The police tracked down her location and arrested her.

During the minor’s arrest, the mother, 48, attempted to obstruct police forces and assaulted them, resulting in her arrest as well.

The investigation concluded that the daughter had planned a terror attack against Israeli civilians.

The mother, who was involved in incitement to terrorism, posted on social media a clip of herself holding an automatic weapon, shooting it and making inciting remarks.

She was charged with being in possession of weaponry, incitement to terrorism, firing a weapon in a populated area and assaulting policemen.

