Palestinian shot during confrontation in Samaria

The IDF shot and wounded a Palestinian terrorist during a stone-throwing incident in Samaria. 

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

A Palestinian terrorist was shot and wounded on Tuesday in an incident initially reported as an attempted stabbing of IDF soldiers in Samaria. The IDF is investigating the circumstances surrounding the confrontation.

The incident occurred near the Palestinian village of Salfit, south of Ariel. The terrorist approached IDF soldiers wielding a knife and was shot. He was then taken in serious condition to an Israeli hospital for medical treatment.

No Israelis were wounded in the incident.

This incident comes amid renewed tensions since President Donald Trump’s official recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital last week.

On Sunday, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed and critically wounded a security guard at the entrance to the central bus station in Jerusalem.

The terrorist was arrested, while the victim is making an impressive recovery, as he opened his eyes for the first time on Tuesday.
