Palestinians demand US envoy to Israel be put on global terror list

The PA called for Ambassador David Friedman to be placed on an international terror list “for violating international law, supporting terrorism, and promoting ethnic cleansing and black racism.”


The Palestinian Authority (PA) demanded on Thursday that US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman be added to a “global terror list,” a ramping up of condemnation against the American diplomat just days after Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas bashed him as a “son of a dog” and a “settler.”

The Palestinian  Ministry of Information called for Friedman to be placed on an international terror list “for violating international law, supporting terrorism, and promoting ethnic cleansing and black racism in a report titled “Friedman, the Ambassador of Settlements and Lawyer of Extremism.”

The particular list the Palestinians intended was not made clear.

Friedman criticized the PA for failing to condemn two terror attacks that killed three Israelis.

Abbas responded with a scathing attack on the ambassador. After deriding President Donald Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and saying he “views the settlements as legitimate,” Abbas continued with “more than one official has said that. The ambassador, David Friedman, said they’re building on their own land. You son of a dog, building on their own land?! You are a settler and your family are settlers!”

Friedman, at an anti-Semitism conference in Jerusalem, quoted the insult using the term “son of a bitch,” and asked, “anti-Semitism or political discourse? I leave this up to you.”

The State Department called Abbas’s comments “outrageous and unhelpful.”
