Palestinians fire 2nd rocket at Israel in 24 hours

In response, Israeli fighter jets and helicopters hit five sites of the Hamas terror group, which controls the Gaza Strip.

By Associated Press

Palestinian terrorists fired a rocket from Gaza into the country’s south Friday, the second incident in 24 hours.

The rocket caused no damage or injuries.

In response, Israeli fighter jets and helicopters hit five sites of the Hamas terror group, which controls the Gaza Strip.

There were no reports of casualties in the air raids, which the Israeli military said targeted a training site, weapons manufacturing facility and a factory producing building materials for for attack tunnels, among other targets.

Israel blames Hamas for any attack emanating from the Palestinian enclave.

Hazem Qassem, a spokesman for the Islamic terror group, said the Israeli airstrikes “will not break” Gaza.

Early Friday, Israeli aircraft hit three facilities operated by Hamas in response to the previous rocket attack.

The Israeli response came after the military announced that a projectile fired from the Gaza Strip Thursday evening landed in the south of the country. That rocket attack broke weeks of relative cross-border calm.

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