Palestinians organizing protest against Biden during visit

“Ignoring the Palestinian issue will only increase tensions and undermine security and stability in the region.”

By David Hellerman, World Israel News

Palestinians are calling for a protest in Ramallah on Thursday to express “rejection of [U.S. President Joe] Biden’s humiliating policies towards the Palestinian issue” and Washington’s “blatant bias” in favor of Israel, the Jerusalem Post reported on Monday.

According to the Post, the protest will be held in Ramallah’s Manara Square the same day as Biden arrives in the Palestinian city.

The Fatah officials told the paper that Palestinians have no expectations of any significant developments stemming from Biden’s visits to Ramallah and Bethlehem. Washington’s efforts to establish an alliance against Tehran are expected to dominate the President’s agenda.

“The Palestinian issue is not at the top of Biden’s agenda,” the official told the Post. “Ignoring the Palestinian issue will only increase tensions and undermine security and stability in the region.”

The Palestinians say Biden has not delivered on promises to reopen the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem, taken what they consider firm action against Israeli settlement construction.

“We are fed up with empty promises,” the official told the Post. “If the Americans continue to ignore our demands, the situation will further deteriorate. We want the Palestinian cause to return to the center of the world’s attention.”

A poster published by various Palestinian activists on social media slammed the U.S. as the “head of the snake” and said that “America does not liberate people, but only enslaves them,” the Post also added.

Israel is concerned about terror disrupting the presidential visit.

Biden arrives in Israel on Wednesday.
