Palestinians threaten ‘3 days of rage’ in response to US embassy move

As President Donald Trump appears to be preparing to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and to move the American embassy there, “united” Palestinian groups announce their intention to stage “three days of rage.”

By: World Israel News Staff

Palestinian “national and Islamic forces” declared “three days of rage” beginning Wednesday and lasting through Friday on the heels of announcements that President Donald Trump had spoken with Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas regarding the US’ intention to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state and to move the US embassy there, according to various media sources.

The Palestinian factions that issued the statement inciting these “days of rage” referred to President Trump’s policy as “political blackmail, which would destroy his ability to achieve regional or colonialist achievements in the region,” reported the Jerusalem Post.

The statement continued, “We call on all our people in Israel and around the world to gather in city centers and Israeli embassies and consulates, with the aim of bringing about general popular anger.”

The Hamas terrorist organization for its part also declared Friday will be a “day of rage,” calling for confrontations with Israelis following prayer services, reported the Times of Israel.

In the past, “days of rage” have consisted of Palestinians staging violent riots at various sites throughout Israel. In July, Abbas’ Fatah Movement urged Palestinians to “rage” on Facebook, only a few hours after which a Palestinian terrorist murdered three Israelis by stabbing them to death in their home as they gathered to observe the Sabbath and celebrate the birth of a new grandson.

Read  How the NY Times misreports the Gaza war
