Palestinians throw firebombs at IDF in Samaria, teen killed amid rioting

“[IDF] troops operated to stop the suspects by firing toward them,” said a statement from the military.

By Associated Press

On Wednesday night, a number of Palestinian suspects hurled firebombs at troops conducting routine activity in the area near Nablus, the Israeli military said.

A 16-year-old Palestinian youth was killed by Israeli gunfire in the clash, Palestinian health officials said.

The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the teen as Saeed Yusuf Muhammad Oudeh and said he was killed in the village of Odla, near the city of Nablus.

“The troops operated to stop the suspects by firing toward them,” it said, adding that the incident was under investigation. No soldiers were hurt.

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced the death of Yehuda Guetta, who was shot in the head on Sunday when a Palestinian gunmen opened fire from a vehicle at a busy intersection in Samaria called Tapuach Junction. Two other Israelis were wounded.

Israeli forces this week have been conducting home raids and carrying out arrests in the search for the suspect, who was apprehended on Wednesday night.

“The army and all security forces will not rest until they catch the terrorist who murdered Yehuda,” Gantz said.

The deaths occurred during a recent uptick in Arab violence coinciding with the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

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In recent days, Palestinians have launched violent riots, with the Hamas terror group issuing demands for escalations.

Several Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah have been embroiled in a long-running legal battle with Israelis who purchased property in the neighborhood, which has served as the premise for the violent Arab riots.

The month of Ramadan is traditionally a time when Palestinian incitement causes an uptick in such activity.

Late Wednesday, the Palestinian Red Crescent medical service said several people were injured in clashes in Sheikh Jarrah, including three people shot by rubber bullets.

In the Gaza Strip, the shadowy leader of the armed wing of the Islamic terror group Hamas this week issued his first public statement in nearly seven years, threatening Israel with a “heavy price” if it permits Jews who purchased property in eastern Jerusalem to take possession of it.
