President Rouhani: Iran sanctions on verge of collapse

A final deal has not yet been signed, but foreign sanctions against Iran will soon have been almost completely removed.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani stated on Tuesday that sanctions imposed by the West on the Islamic Republic’s economy are on the verge of complete collapse and that no country would have the power to exert pressure on Tehran again, Iranian Mehr news agency reports.

Speaking to 12,000 workers in the Iranian capital at a national festival of appreciation to workers and industrial producers in Iran, Rouhani said that the Iranian government had a duty to protect their security and to ensure the continuation of their activities, underscoring the significance of self-reliance.

Rouhani also referred to the negotiations for a deal with the six global powers, noting that the government was not only pursuing a solution to the Islamic Republic’s nuclear aspirations, but that it was also seeking a comprehensive resolution to all political issues facing Iran.

“We seek two issues at the negotiation table: First, to clear all accusations [regarding Iran’s nuclear program], and second, to remove all obstacles the malevolent countries have created on our path toward having a constructive interaction with the world,” Rouhani said, noting that with a “serious will” on the part of the P5+1 negotiators, a final nuclear deal could be obtainable within a few months.

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US Secretary of State John Kerry stated Monday that the world was “closer than ever” to sealing a deal with Iran.

Rouhani also warned those benefiting from the anti-Iranian sanctions to “start looking for a different source of benefit.”

“We will continue the path of constructive interaction with the world under the guidance of the Supreme Leader [Ayatollah Khamenei] and support of our people, and no country in the world can continue exerting pressure and imposing sanctions against Iran in the future.”

Facts Support Rouhani’s Words

The P5+1 powers and Iran have not arrived at a final agreement regarding Iran’s nuclear program, but sanctions on Tehran are in fact collapsing.

Russia decided earlier in April to lift the ban on the sale of the advanced S-300 missile air defense system to Iran.

Following the Kremlin’s announcement on the weapons sales, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, confirmed statements by a Russian diplomat that Moscow was already supplying Iran with various goods in exchange for oil. Peskov claimed this trade was not barred under the sanctions imposed by the UN Security Council.

Reports have been circulating regarding European businessmen lining up to go to Iran to establish ties with corporations the moment that sanctions are officially lifted.

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Responding to these reports, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier criticized Russia’s decision, saying that “it is also too early to offer rewards.”
