Antisemites throw pig’s head into gravesite of rabbi in Ukraine, attack worshipers

Anti-Semites attacked Jews and vandalized the gravesite of the revered Rabbi Nachman of Breslav in Ukraine. 

The gravesite of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav, a prominent Jewish site in Uman, Ukraine, was violently attacked by anti-Semitic vandals on Tuesday night.

According to eyewitnesses who were attacked, skinheads driving a black jeep arrived at the complex, shouting anti-Semitic epithets at Jewish worshipers while spraying them with tear gas and filming the incident with their phones.

They threw sections of a pig –  including the head, with a swastika etched into it – into the center of the sanctuary and spilled blood-like paint over the floors and walls.

Jewish worshipers say no one was physically harmed in the attack. Two Israeli tourists were reportedly treated for tear-gas inhalation.

No arrests have been reported so far.

The site has been subject to anti-Semitic assaults in the past, but this was the most severe by far.

The complex is visited annually by tens of thousands of Jews from around the world.

Member of Knesset Yair Lapid, head of the Yesh Atid party, contacted the Ukrainian ambassador in Israel, Hennadii Nadolenko, demanding a swift police inquiry into the attack and a boost in the security around the holy site.

By: World Israel News
