Prosor to UN: If you’re worried about Mideast democracy, focus on PA – not Israel

The UN chided Israelis for their choice of leader in democratic elections, while choosing to ignore the Palestinian Authority’s dictatorship.

By: Reuters and World Israel News Staff
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. (Shutterstock)

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. (Shutterstock)

The United Nations said on Wednesday that Israel needs to stick to the peace process with the Palestinians if it wishes to remain a democracy. The statement was made after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected on Tuesday and after he reportedly abandoned a commitment made ahead of his re-election to negotiate a Palestinian state.

In the final days of campaigning before Israeli voters went to the polls, Netanyahu said he would not permit a Palestinian state to be created under his watch.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon believes the peace process is “the best and only way forward for Israel to remain a democratic state,” UN spokesman Farhan Haq told reporters.

Israel’s UN Ambassador Ron Prosor responded to Ban’s statement by pointing to the lack of democracy in the Palestinian Authority, saying: “The United Nations may disagree with the policies of the Israeli government, but there is one fact that can’t be disputed – that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.”

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“If the UN is so concerned about the future of the Palestinian people, it should be asking why President (Mahmoud) Abbas is in the 10th year of a five-year presidential term,” Prosor asserted.

Ban welcomed the preliminary results of Israel’s election and hopes for the rapid establishment of a government, said Haq.

Ban again urged Israel to resume the transfer of tax revenues to the Palestinians. Israel is withholding PA tax revenue as a consequence for Palestinian moves to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), where it plans to pursue Israel for alleged war crimes.
