Qatar promises to rebuild homes in Gaza destroyed in Hamas’ war against Israel

At a donors’ conference in Cairo in October, some $5.4 billion was pledged at the meeting, but most of it has yet to reach the Palestinians.

By Nidal al-Mughrabi/Reuters and World Israel News Staff

A Qatari official visiting a Gaza neighborhood damaged in last summer’s war launched by Hamas against Israel said on Tuesday the Gulf Arab state had begun a project to rebuild 1,000 homes as part of a $1 billion aid pledge.

Mohammad al-Amadi, head of the Qatari Committee to Rebuild Gaza, said that earlier in the day Israel had allowed four truckloads of cement into the Gaza Strip so that the planned construction of the dwellings could begin.

Asked about the shipment, the Israeli military agency that oversees civil interaction with the Hamas Islamist-ruled Palestinian enclave, declined immediate comment.

“Today we are starting the $1 billion (effort),” Amadi told reporters as he stood in the rubble of a hospital destroyed during the 50-day Israel Gaza war.

Palestinian and United Nations officials said 130,000 houses had either been destroyed or damaged in the fighting.

“We want more countries to come and build Gaza,” Amadi said.

At a donors’ conference in Cairo in October, some two months after the latest conflict ended in an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire, Qatar said it would provide $1 billion in reconstruction assistance for Gaza.

In all, some $5.4 billion was pledged at the meeting, but little of that has reached the Gaza Strip.

U.N. officials have said internal Palestinian divisions have blocked oversight by the Western-backed Palestinian Authority, Hamas’s rival, of the import of building materials.

Israel also tightly limits the flow of concrete, cement, iron bars and other materials into Gaza, as “dual use” items that could have a military purpose if they were seized by Hamas, as they have done in the past, to rebuild tunnels used to launch attacks.

Qatar is a major ally of Hamas and currently hosts the group’s chief political leader, Khaled Meshaal.
