Quartet envoys in Israel to discuss diplomatic process

Seemingly oblivious to the reality in Israel and the near-daily Palestinian terror attacks, Quartet envoys arrived in Israel to seek ways to revive the diplomatic process.

By: Aryeh Savir, World Israel News

Envoys from the international Quartet, which represents the United Nations, European Union, US and Russia, visited Jerusalem on Wednesday and met with senior Israeli representatives to discuss the current wave of violence in the country and the prospects of renewing the stalled diplomatic process between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Prime Minister’s envoy Yitzhak Molcho and Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Dore Gold were among the Israeli representatives.

“A lengthy, serious and germane discussion was held on ways to stop the violence, restore security and end incitement. A discussion was also held on the matter of future prospects for the diplomatic process,” Israel’s Foreign Ministry stated after the meeting.

“The two sides recognized that continuing the diplomatic process is the best way to guarantee security and peace.”

The Israelis stressed the importance that Israel places on a continued dialogue with the Quartet, which it called “a responsible and moderating party.”

At the United Nations in New York, US Ambassador Samantha Power told reporters that the Quartet envoys are currently in the region for “substantive meetings” with both Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

The Quartet was slated to land in Israel in October in an effort to bring an end to the wave of Palestinian violence, but canceled its arrival, citing “bad timing” as the reason for the postponement.

The Quartet is tasked with resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through diplomatic mediation.

The failed US-led peace negotiations, which lasted nine months, collapsed in April 2014. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly invited Abbas to resume talks, although has been met time and again with a negative response by the Palestinians.

Palestinian Authority Chair Mahmoud Abbas, recently speaking at the UN, declared any previous agreements with Israel null and void.
