Right-wing party vows to boot Arab lawmakers who ‘think Israel is Palestine’

An ad produced by Otzma Yehudit for an Arabic radio station warned lawmakers who “support the murder of Jews” that the far-right party would seek their ouster from the Knesset.

By World Israel News Staff

A new ad produced by the right-wing Otzma Yehudit party for Kan’s public Arabic radio station, Makan, singles out Arab members of the Knesset for past statements that appear to support terror and oppose Jerusalem as the capital of a Jewish state.

The ad, which is all in Arabic, includes a voice-over in which a narrator states, “Ayman Odeh, Ahmed Tibi, Hiba Yazbak and anyone who thinks this is Palestine . . . this the State of Israel, the state of the Jewish People. Knesset Members who think this is Palestine will not be in the State of Israel,” reported Arutz Sheva.

Odeh, Tibi, and Yazbak are Arab-Israeli lawmakers who have served in the Israeli parliament.

The narrator continues, “All the years the Supreme Court has given you a stamp of approval, but Otzma Yehudit has resolved: This is your last term in the Knesset. . . . Anyone who supports murdering Jews will be gone. Anyone who supports murdering soldiers should find another place. Not the State of Israel.”

Earlier in the Arabic radio spot, recordings of Tibi and Odeh are played, with the former giving “blessings to [Palestinian] martyrs inside the Green Line, those who the occupier wants to call terrorists,” reported the Jerusalem Post.

Tibi adds, “There is nothing greater than those who died for the homeland.”

The ad also includes a clip of Odeh saying, “[Israel] will be defeated and Jerusalem will remain . . . the capital city of Palestine.”

According to an Otzma Yehudit campaign spokesman quoted by the Post, the ad’s message is that those who “recognize Israel” as the Jewish people’s the nation-state and are “loyal” to it, are “welcome,” while anyone who “thinks Israel is Palestine does not belong here.”
