Hamas rockets land off Tel Aviv coast

Sources told the Al-Arabiya channel that Egypt is holding talks with Israel and the factions in Gaza to prevent an escalation.

By World Israel News Staff

Rockets fired from the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip Saturday morning landed on the shores of the Mediterranean in the Tel Aviv region, specifically near Jaffa and Bat Yam.

Residents heard a loud explosion shortly before 7 a.m. According to the IDF, two rockets landed. There were no casualties reported.

“According to protocol, no sirens were sounded and no interception took place as the rockets landed in the sea off the coast of central Israel,” the IDF stated.

Israel rejects claims by Hamas that the rockets’ landing in Israeli territory at was accidental, due to stormy weather conditions.

“There will be a response. This is a serious and unacceptable event. The last word has not been said,” a defense official told Kan News.

The IDF responded by launching strikes against Hamas targets in Gaza.

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Sources told the Al-Arabiya channel that Egypt is holding talks with Israel and the factions in Gaza to prevent an escalation, Kan News reported Saturday night.

Tensions are high as several terror groups, including PIJ, have threatened escalation if Israel doesn’t end the administrative detention of Palestinian security prisoner Hisham Abu Hawash, who has been on a hunger strike for over 130 days.

Hawash, reportedly in critical condition, was recently transferred to the Shamir Medical Center near Tel Aviv.

On Wednesday, an Israeli working on the border fence between Gaza and Israel was shot by a Palestinian sniper.

The injured Israeli was employed as a construction contractor by the Israeli Defense Ministry, a statement by the ministry read.

He was shot in his leg and was evacuated in light condition to the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon.

The IDF responded with artillery fire toward five Hamas outposts in the northern Gaza Strip, according to Palestinian reports. Three Hamas operatives were injured in the attack, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
