Russia: We thwarted ISIS attacks in country

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) announced Saturday it has thwarted several plots by the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists to carry out attacks in Moscow and St. Petersburg and has detained 10 suspects in connection with the plans.

Russia’s Sputnik news reported that the group planned attacks in public places in Moscow, St. Petersburg, using assault rifles and self-made explosives, the FSB said.

The terrorist group consists of 10 nationals of Central Asian states.

The FSB also apprehended four shrapnel-packed self-made bombs, weapons, ammunition and communications equipment.

The detainees admitted to links with ISIS commanders in the Middle East, while revealing further plans as well as accomplices in Russia and other countries.

“The Federal Security Service with the support of the Russian Interior Ministry and in cooperation with foreign partners in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan stopped the activity of an inter-regional terrorist group consisting of nationals of the Central Asian region,

planning to commit a series of high-profile terrorist attacks in Moscow St. Petersburg using automatic weapons and home-made high-capacity explosive devices,” the FSB stated.

By: World Israel News Staff
