Shaked slams Netanyahu for accepting plan that calls for Palestinian state

“We should be calling it the Netanyahu plan,” the former justice minister said. 

By Aaron Sull, World Israel News

Former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday for accepting a peace plan that calls for a Palestinian state.

“The Trump plan was put together by Netanyahu. We should be calling it the Netanyahu plan,” Shaked told Israel Hayom.

“For many years now, since the Bar Ilan speech, Netanyahu has been talking about establishing a demilitarized Palestinian state, more limited than the one Olmert and Livni talked about, but still a Palestinian state. We must not accept a plan that recognizes a Palestinian state,” she said.

Shaked also expressed her disgust that after years of helping Netanyahu prevent the establishment of a leftist government, the prime minister essentially dumped the right-wing bloc at the first chance he got.

“If he wanted us in the government, he would have negotiated intensely with us. He had one conversation with us and even that was through Zoom. That says everything,” Shaked said.

“The problem is that once he has a new bride, he kicks out the old bride,” she added.

Concern has been growing among settlement leaders in Judea and Samaria who fear that in the context of Trump’s plan settlements will be cut off, turned into isolated enclaves and swallowed into a future Palestinian state.

In a closed-door meeting on Tuesday, Netanyahu met with settlement leaders in Judea and Samaria to quell their fears.

Netanyahu has reportedly been keeping the details of the annexation maps a closely guarded secret, and not even his top ministers have seen them.
