Shiite Iran supporter killed in Gaza

The Hamas Sunni Islamic terror group, which rules Gaza, has tense relations with Shiite Iran and the Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah terror group, stemming from the conflict in Syria, which has sharpened the Sunni-Shiite rift in the Muslim world.

A Palestinian activist known for his support of Shiite Islamism and Iran was killed on Wednesday by unidentified gunmen, Hamas’ police said.

Mithqal al-Salmi, 35, was killed near his home, and Gaza’s police are investigating.

Hamas broke with Iran, a longtime patron, when it sided with the rebellion against Syrian President Bashar Assad in 2012. Iran and Hezbollah are key supporters of Assad, an Awallite Muslim. Awallite Islam is an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

Al-Salmi was arrested by Hamas in February after he posted a series of Facebook posts glorifying Iran and Hezbollah, and casting doubt on some Sunni scholars.

Hamas regularly arrests activists and journalists who express views of dissent from Hamas’ party line.

Hamas has ruled Gaza since 2007, but other Sunni terror groups, some linked to the Islamic State (ISIS), also have a presence there.

By: AP and World Israel News Staff
