Shin Bet security agency forms new unit to locate, kill every Hamas terrorist from Oct 7

The unit was formed with the purpose of hunting down and killing every terrorist from the October 7 attack.

By World Israel News Staff

The Shin Bet security service has inaugurated a new unit with the sole purpose of locating and killing every Hamas terrorist involved in the brutal Oct. 7 attack from Gaza.

Named NILI – an acronym in Hebrew for “The Eternity of Israel Will Not Lie” – the unit operates independently from others that are focused on dismantling strike cells and eliminating high-ranking Hamas officials. Its specific mandate is to identify and eliminate everyone implicated in the attacks, the Jerusalem Post reported.

NILI’s focus is on members of an elite Hamas commando group within the organization’s Nukhba wing, believed to be responsible for executing the attacks.

Personnel selected for the unit span both field operatives and those in intelligence roles.

In the ongoing operations in the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces have announced the targeted killings of several Hamas commanders, including Ali Qadhi, a leader in the Hamas Nukhba force and a central figure in the attack on the border area, Billal Al Kedra, purportedly the mastermind behind Hamas’ lethal incursion in Nirim, head of its national security Jehad Mheisen, and Jamila Abdallah Taha al-Shanti and Osama al-Mazini, senior members of Hamas’ political bureau.

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