Syrian women curse the Jews while celebrating freedom from ISIS

Even while celebrating their release from the clutches of ISIS, a group of Syrian women demonstrated deep-rooted anti-Semitism, chanting curses against the Jews.

It seems that not only the ISIS terrorists, but also many of their victims are prone to hatred.

Residents of the northern Syrian city of Manbij, liberated from Islamic State (ISIS) occupation by U.S.-backed forces in recent days, could be seen in a video celebrating their freedom with profound joy and relief. Women publicly burned their burkas and smoked, and men shaved their beards.

“We are human beings. We want our freedom too,” one exclaimed.

Yet their animosity for the cruel ISIS oppressors was apparently coupled with a crude hatred for Jews.

“May Allah support the believers and take the Jews,” one woman shouted, cheered on by the rest of the group.

The exposure of the anti-Semitism was disappointing to many of those who noticed. “I thought she yelled something about Jews, but hoped against hoped that I misunderstood,” one woman commented below a Times of Israel report that included the video.

By: Atara Beck, World Israel News
