Terrorist caught during arson attack south of Jerusalem

Israeli fields and orchards in the area have been repeatedly hit by Palestinian arson attacks, often causing significant damage.


An Arab terrorist who started several fires near the community of Har Gilo in Gush Etzion on Wednesday was captured by Israeli security forces in the midst of committing the attack.

The terrorist reached Nahal Heletz and started igniting the natural grove and trees at several points near Gilo, apparently in an attempt to cause damage to the houses and Israeli residents in the area.

A resident who identified the terrorist reported the incident to the Gush Etzion Regional Council, which alerted the security forces.

The security forces arrived and began a chase that lasted about half an hour, after which one terrorist was caught, and a gasoline tank with a knife and a tear gas canister were seized in his vehicle.

Gush Etzion Council Chairman Shlomo Ne’eman stated after the incident that “today we received further proof that our war on the ground is a war for life – whoever ignites this land probably does not believe it belongs to him.”

“The seekers of our souls will not succeed in harming neither our lands nor our communities. The burners of the trees and fields will never be able to claim ownership of this land,” he declared.

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Israeli fields and orchards in the Gush Etzion area have been repeatedly hit by Arab arson attacks, often with significant damage caused to the land.
