Trump conveys strong desire for Israeli-Palestinian peace to Saudi Arabia prince

As Trump’s advisor Jason Greenblatt visits Israel, the US president told Saudi Arabia’s deputy prince of his “strong desire to achieve a comprehensive, just, and lasting settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

President Donald Trump conveyed his wishes to Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Prince Muhammad bin Salman on implementing a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians during their meeting at the White House on Tuesday.

“The President expressed his strong desire to achieve a comprehensive, just, and lasting settlement to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to continue the two countries’ consultations to help reach solutions for regional issues,” the White House stated.

Saudi Arabia offered an initiative in 2002 to solve the Israel-Palestinian conflict, agreeing to establish diplomatic relations with Israel in return for a full withdrawal from all territories won during the Six-Day War in 1967.

Trump accepted Netanyahu’s suggestion of adopting a regional approach to solving the Israel-Palestinian conflict during their meeting last month at the White House.

“I think it’s a terrific thing and I think we have pretty good cooperation from people that in the past would never ever have thought about doing that,” Trump said, responding to Netanyahu’s comments on adopting a regional approach.

Trump’s senior advisor on Israel Jason Greenblatt arrived in Israel this week to discuss regional peace with both Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

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By: Jonathan Benedek, World Israel News
