Trump threatens to ‘get tough’ with Netanyahu if peace talks stall out

Trump reportedly told French President Emmanuel Macron that he could get “tough with [Netanyahu], just like [he did] with the Palestinians.”

By World Israel News Staff

U.S. President Donald Trump reportedly told French President Emmanuel Macron that he was considering applying pressure to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept his “deal of the century” Mideast peace plan.

“We are giving Israel $5 billion a year. I can be tough with Netanyahu about the peace plan, just as I was tough with the Palestinians,” Trump told Macron on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meeting in September, according to a report on Monday by Israel’s Channel 10 News.

According to the report, Macron raised the Israeli-Palestinian issue during the meeting with Trump, commenting, “My impression is that Netanyahu does not really want to advance the peace process, because he likes the status quo.”

Trump reportedly told to Macron that he tended to agree, responding,”I’m very close to reaching the same conclusion.”

The US president also explained that his tough stance with the Palestinians was precipitated by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ announcement that he was severing ties with the US administration, which Trump called “unacceptable.”

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“I gave a lot to Netanyahu, I transferred the embassy to Jerusalem and every year we give them $5 billion,” he added.

Several days after Trump’s meeting with Macron, Netanyahu met with the US president in New York, conducting a press conference at which Trump declared for the first time that he “likes” a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“That’s what I think works best. That’s my feeling. Now you may have a different feeling. I don’t think so. But I think a two-state solution works best,” he added.

Hours later, Trump clarified, “Bottom line: If the Israelis and Palestinians want one state, that’s okay with me. If they want two states, that’s okay with me. I’m happy, if they’re happy.”

“I think probably two-state is more likely, but you know what? I think if they do a single, if they do a double, I’m okay with it, if they’re both happy,” he said.

