UN nuclear chief: Iran must honor deal ‘for many years’

Iran will be tested by its long-term compliance with the nuclear deal, International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano said. 

By: AP

The head of the UN nuclear agency suggested that Iran’s initial compliance with an atomic deal is only a first step, saying Tehran must continue to honor its commitments in the years ahead.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) chief Yukiya Amano spoke Monday at the opening of the organization’s 35-nation board meeting.

The IAEA is monitoring Iran’s compliance with a nuclear deal with six world powers implemented in December. In its first report last month, it noted that Iran was in — or quickly got into — line with its obligations.

But with the agreement extending to more than a decade, Amano says Iran “has to implement its commitments … for many years to come.”

Iran agreed to crimp its nuclear programs in return for sanctions relief under the deal.
