United Right leader asks members to sign loyalty pledge – to values

The list of principles that will guide the party’s actions after the elections includes both political and socio-economic values.

By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel News

Ayelet Shaked, head of the United Right, is circulating a pledge of party values to be signed on Monday by all those running for Knesset on the unified list.

The list of goals that the potential MKs will work for includes promoting Israeli sovereignty over all the Land of Israel, building more Jewish communities, opposing the creation of a Palestinian state and fighting any attempt to give away parts of the land.

Principle No. 5 is to battle terror without compromise, whether it be against riots on the Gaza border or to stop terror payments given to Palestinians who carry out attacks.

Another goal is to demand the return of the Israeli Army’s MIAs “by charging Hamas a high price” and preventing the release of terrorists.

Under the title “Governance,” Shaked includes one of her signature ideas – that the elected legislature takes pre-eminence over the judiciary and over unelected civil service personnel.

Goal No. 9 is “strengthening the status of the Knesset as a legislative authority and restoring confidence in the court as the judiciary in accordance with the law. Strengthening the status of elected officials in the face of senior officials.”

The pledge also contains several social goals. While its top principle is the application of the Nation-State law, which enshrines into law the idea that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people, the pledge stresses that the government should continue “to safeguard individual rights and equality for all citizens.”

Protection of the elderly and support of the disabled “financially and medically” and better integration of the latter in the workplace as well as in society are also included.

Strengthening Jewish identity among students – their knowledge of their Jewish heritage and their sense of identification with their country – falls under one of the social goals as well.

There are also several points regarding economics. The United Right pledges to work to free the economy, reduce taxes and encourage competition, especially in the construction sector, in order to lower the high cost of living.

Another important goal the party is setting for itself is “mandatory arbitration in essential services [and] transparency in labor organization.” This would mean that mass strikes that have shut down the country would become a thing of the past, saving the government billions of shekels.

The United Right’s pledge of principles stands in contrast to the personal loyalty oath Likud lawmakers signed on Sunday, in which candidates declared that Benjamin Netanyahu will be the only leader of their party in the upcoming elections.
